Minutes From Now calculator

Minutes From Now lets you calculate what time it will be in a specific amount of minutes from now. Enter the number of minutes and find out what time it’ll be.

Find out what the time will be in

minutes from now


How Does It Work?

Our Minutes From Now Calculator takes the amount of minutes you’ve entered (e.g. “30”) and then generates the time it will be after this amount of minutes has passed. The time in the answer you’re getting is based on the time zone of your location.

Why Use Our Minutes From Now Calculator?

There are many reasons why our Minutes From Now Calculator stands out from other calculator:

  1. Accuracy: the time provided as an answer includes the hours, minutes and seconds to give you the exact time you’re looking for.
  2. Convenience: once the calculator gives you an answer you can easily get an updated result by clicking the “refresh” button at the top of the page. It’ll give you an updated answer based on the new time you click on “refresh”
  3. Speed: get your answer within seconds, just the time it takes to enter the amount of minutes and click on the "calculate" button. Voila!

Getting Started

Our Minutes From Now Calculator is very simple to use! Just follow the steps listed below:

  1. Enter the number for minutes you want to calculate
  2. Click on “Calculate” to get your answer
  3. Click on the “Refresh” button at the top of the page to get an updated result based on the time it is now.
  4. Enjoy using our Minutes From Now Calculator to find out what time it will be in a certain amount of minutes!

Find out what the time will be in

minutes from now
